PMAY - Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana

Iowanka Passah

10 Opportunities

March 13 2024 by Admin

Iowanka Passah, a single mother from Mooralang, Jowai, had long held the dream of owning her own home, but economic hardships made it seem unattainable. To support her family and educate her children, she worked as a street tea porter, gradually saving enough to open a tea shop. With her children's help, the shop's income increased, allowing her to save for her dream home on a piece of land gifted by her grandmother. In 2016, she became eligible for the PMAY scheme, valued at 1.5 lakh, and, with her savings and her children's support, she built her dream house, completed in January 2020. Though small, the house symbolizes unity, understanding, and accomplishment for her family.


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